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Mould Remediation

Dry Ice Blasting
Mould Remediation

Mould remediation includes both destroying the problematic mould but also restoring the property to its pre-infected state.

This process requires specialized tools and trained professionals from Ontario Mould Specialists. Our team starts by measuring moisture and humidity levels, followed by precision blasting with dry ice and finally, fogging.

By following these steps in sequence, Ontario Mould Specialists can identify the ripe conditions for mould growth within a home. The physical mould structure is then destroyed by dry ice blasting. Finally, the environment is fogged with anti-microbial spray to ensure that no remaining spores can regrow.

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Step #1 – Moisture and Humidity Readings

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

This statement is certainly true for mould growth. The best way to fight mould is to ensure the growth conditions are impossible in the first place.

Moisture and humidity levels in a home determine whether or not spores can germinate. Ontario Mould Specialists use moisture meters to detect any signs of moisture in the air or hidden pockets present in unsuspecting corners. The ideal percentage of humidity should be between 30% – 50%. Any readings higher than 60% support mould growth.

Early detection and minimizing humidity prevent not only property and structural damage but also health hazards from mould and fungi.

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Dry Ice Blasting

Step #2 – Dry Ice Blasting

Effective mould removal requires precise and extensive cleaning techniques in order to effectively combat easily spreadable mould spores. This often means the use of abrasive cleaning techniques which physically demolish the specimen with chemicals. If the concentration of mould within a structure is considered too great, however, a stronger solution is required.

Dry ice is used for its accurate and destructive capabilities when blasted on a surface. This is the most effective method of mould removal. As the solid version of CO2, when the dry ice comes into contact with mould, it sublimates. Sublimation is a process which freezes and then destroys the structural composition of mould spores, which stops the mould from multiplying. The dead, non-multiplying sediment left behind is then vacuumed up with industrial-strength HEPA vacs, removing even the microscopic pieces.

*** When using dry ice, you may be required to temporarily leave your home due to the emission of heavy CO2 gas (a by-product of the process). However, the substance can easily be vacuumed or dispersed after the process is complete. Additionally, dry ice will not damage or soak into physical objects as it only strips off microscopic biological life.

When it comes to mould remediation, don’t take your chances. Trust Ontario Mould Specialists to use the dry ice blasting process to eradicate and secure any contaminated area.

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When dealing with mould spores, it is important to realize their near-invisible nature. These particles float unseen throughout the air, attach to structures, and eventually reproduce. By the time the mould has become visible, it has become a problem and remediation is required. This invisible infestation shows just how difficult it is to keep the spread under control through normal means.

With this in mind, one of the most effective ways of combating mould spores is to use a substance which can clean even open-air spaces. Fogging is a process often used in pest- control to kill mosquitoes and other insects but it can also be used to treat mould. Fogging sprays anti-microbial aerosols into the open air – killing mould spores and particulates. This solution is safe for the environment, people, and pets, while effectively trapping and killing any floating spores in its path.

Ontario Mould Specialists have the equipment, expertise and skills to effectively measure moisture and humidity, remove mould through dry ice blasting and fog the area to eliminate any mould spores.

Mould is invisible and invasive. Protect your health and your home with a free inspection by our certified mould professionals. Contact us today to get a FREE quote.

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Did you know most mould is invisible?

Get your free inspection and treat your house by certified mould professionals.
Don’t let mould ruin your health.

Did you know most mould is invisible?